Saturday, December 21, 2019

Modern Vs. Ancient Cyberspace - 1913 Words

Michael Galantini Professor Bissex Intro Political Philosophy April 25, 2015 Modern vs. Ancient in Cyberspace The Big Bang created the energy and matter to create the universe, and Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf invented TCP and IP which created the protocols that built the internet. Without the aforementioned, technically cyberspace couldn’t exist, but the fact that it does exist, it not only has physical components in an electric, virtual world, but it can effectively become an intangible idea which is debated and analyzed. What makes the internet somewhat unique is that it is an artificial alternative realm where we humans can think, speak, and act. We have unique lives on the internet and web. We can search for info in an encyclopedia, post photos, stream music, start revolutions, buy drugs and weapons, and hack the pentagon, all through an electric system connected to billions of other devices. Those who connect to the internet all bear liberty to act, in an almost state of nature way. Yet, you are subject to the internet as soon as you are connected. Thus, based on the evolution of the Internet, certainly different political philosophers would have competing visions, ancient versus modern, about its current state and how to handle political or governing policies moving forward. To be able to properly analyze and apply political theories to a cyber-realm, we must understand that connecting to the internet is much like a social contract. When you sign on the internet you areShow MoreRelatedEssay about Examples of War in Cyberspace2070 Words   |  9 PagesExamples of War in Cyberspace There are various types of wars being fought in cyberspace from information warfare to activating missiles through cyberspace. Methods used in cyberwar is not a new form of warfare being witnessed in the 21st century but a strategic method of warfare fought in cyberspace with the advancement and development of telecommunication technology and satellite navigation. The idea of organising in networks and gathering information to attack mayRead MoreHow Identity Theft Affect the Culture of Our Society5785 Words   |  24 Pagesthe impact on its victims, the methods used by identity thieves to obtain identifying information about their victims, and preventive solutions. Identity theft as we know it is a relatively new incarnation of an ancient crime. As long as humans have operated in a modern society, they have at one point in time or another, conspired to commit identity fraud. Although the first official mention of the phrase identity theft didnt occur in print until 1964 (idt911, 2013), the idea of committingRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . .6 . .6 . .8 . .8 . 10 . 12 . 13 . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . 17 2—The Evolution of Management Thought . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Management in Ancient History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Effects of the Industrial Age on Management . . . . . 22 Classical Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Scientific Management Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Read MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pagesthe brand. Research in psychology has shown that recognition alone can result in more positive feelings toward nearly anything, whether it is music, people, words, or brands. Studies have demonstrated that, even with nonsense words (like postryna vs. potastin for example), consumers instinctively prefer an item they have previously seen to one that is new to them. Thus, when a brand choice is made--even when the decision involves products like computers or advertising agencies-the familiar brandRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pagesstrength of Delta Faucet’s China operation lies in the following areas: Technical/engineering: Delta Faucet invests resources in product innovation to ensure that the company develops, with technical expertise, state-of-the-art products that embody both modern and classical designs. Quality assurance: Delta Faucet employ strict internal quality assurance processes to ensure its products not only meet the comp any’s high expectations for quality, but also to ensure that products meet industry expectations

Friday, December 13, 2019

Differences Between University And School Free Essays

In recent years, although tertiary education is certainly popular among Hong Kong students. It is unlikely that all students can easily catch the ways of studying at starting university. Therefore, we need to know actually what great differences between studying at university and school in order to adjust our ways of studying more effective to achieve the tertiary education. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences Between University And School or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this essay, I will try to examine their differences in terms of the characteristic of teachers and students, students time management and motivation as well as the modes of assessment Firstly, the characteristic of teachers and students in school and at university has great differences. The school teachers dismantle to translate the textbooks word-by-word from limited information-based, and whether the students understand the lessons or not, they can passively copy down the information and refers to their notes later at home and memorizes them. However, the university students are no longer allowed to sit quietly and negatively throughout the class. They are being demanded to discuss academic matters or cooperate with other classmate to perform projects. They are require to find sources, gathering information and put them into order. As Marshall and Rowland (1993, 34) pointed out, the ability to think critically is a generic skill that are expected to acquire in the undergraduate education and transfer to daily life, future or current work. Therefore, the tutors at university who offer not only textbook instructions but also helps students to think critically and independently by encouragement. Besides, students can choose and adjust their own learning style independently from freely choices of materials provided at university. Another important difference in students time management that is mainly affected by the learners motivation in school and at university. The motivation of school students is comes from parents and teachers, who reward or punish students for keeping up their studies. Students are unexpected to plan or do anything besides follow the timetable and study schedule from teachers. When a student moves on to undertake university study at undergraduate level, there is demanded to be more self-motivated and independent learning. Such as plan a learning programme that takes into consideration time available for study. As Marshall and Rowland (1993, 41) shown that, if students are studying at a distance in tertiary education are needed to be particularly careful in setting priorities and balance a certain time between work and study, family and social life. It is important to manage time efficiently to achieve satisfactory results. The final difference point in assessment procedures. In school, students are judged largely on the grades they achieve in examinations for gaining admission to higher education. On the other hand, university students are judged mainly on their continuously assessed course work, not only by their performances in examinations. In this essay, I have attempted to identify and explain how great differences between studying in school and at university in terms of teaching and learning style, students motivation and time management, and the modes of assessment. I found that when students moves on to undertake the tertiary education. This means, they has reached adulthood and becomes an independent and self-motivated learners. They should accommodate the suitable learning style and good time management for themselves to achieve the satisfactory results. Marshall and Rowland (1993, 41) described that, each discipline or body of knowledge is a culture in its own right with its own discourse V its own language and vocabulary and its own methodologies for choosing, analysing, critiquing, interpreting, presenting and using this knowledge. Thus, when start tertiary study enter not only the overall culture of the institution but the culture of the discipline in which are intend to study. Independence and the exercise of initiative are both essential qualities in a good university student. How to cite Differences Between University And School, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Kauais Black Sand Beach Field Trip Report free essay sample

Trip Report Waimea, Kauai Kauai is the oldest of the Hawaiian Islands and has some of the most beautiful white sand beaches. However, there are a couple of spots on the island that are black sand beaches. The largest one is the beach at Waimea on the West Side of the island. Waimea beach is a long stretch of beach. At one end lies the mouth of the Waimea River and the far end goes out past the pier and towards Kekaha. It had been a few years since I had been to that beach and walked along the shore, and I have to admit that although it is not one of my favorite spots I found my trips there to be relaxing. There were also many things that I noticed about the beach, which I had never paid attention to before. For one, there is a large stone by the entrance with a metal plaque informing visitors that the site is of historical importance because Captain Cook had landed there. We will write a custom essay sample on Kauais Black Sand Beach Field Trip Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the first things I noticed when I stepped onto the beach is that the sand shimmers and sparkles. It is more of a dark brown color and the sand is very fine and gritty. The waves crash right on the shore and the beach slopes upward. It is not a very wide beach, about fifty feet wide at the widest point and the beach slopes upward towards the backyards of the homes along the beach. Many of the trees that are growing on the boundaries of the beach homes have their roots exposed where the sand has eroded from the tides. The color of the ocean is a brownish mixture probably from the sediments that wash down from the river and the dark sand of the coastline. About five hundred yards out beyond the pier the water changes to green, gray, and blue color. The water is probably pretty deep and there does not appear to be any reef outside. That is probably the reason the waves only break at shore. As I walked along the beach I saw many things like kukui nuts in all the various processes of aging. They varied from a light brown color all the way to a dark black; many of the black shells were cracked open. There was a lot of driftwood, but no seaweed along the beach. Seedpods also litter the beach and there are numerous crab holes scattered along the coast. Along the shore break there are small to medium sized stones and pebbles. Many are worn smooth from the constant tumbling of the waves and sand. Some of the pebbles are dark black, others are dark gray, and a few are reddish-brown in color. Many are smooth and not very porous, but there are also ones that are full of surface holes. In one of those rocks I could see little bits of greenish-yellow glasslike minerals. There were also tiny glittering pieces that sparkled in the sunlight. With the help of my magnifying glass, I was able to view the larger minerals more clearly. They may have been bits of Olivine or Apatite. Other details I noticed about the sand was its dark brownish-black color, its fine, silty texture, and the glittering characteristics, but other minerals present too. There was some biogenic sand, which may be bits of broken shells since they were reddish-brown in color. There was also lots of magnetite which was very small and black and could only be seen clearly with the magnifying glass. A magnet that I brought along with me was able to attract large amounts of the fine sand to it. There were also bits of glasslike minerals, some were clear, or tinged with hues of yellow and green. Basalt fragments were present and even with the magnifying glass looked like bits of pepper. Some of the minerals may be Pyroclastics, but the pieces are so tiny that I could not see if they were vesicular. Most of the sand, about 55% appeared to be Olivine, Apatite, and Pyroclastic in composition. Another 30% of the sand composition appeared to be Basalt fragments. The final 15% was a mixture of Biogenic and Magnetite minerals. The sand is very fine and silt-like in composition. Grains are very fine and visible at arms length, but not identifiable except for the shimmering minerals. The sand on the beach is very well sorted. The area near the shore break is where the small to medium sized pebbles is concentrated, but the rest of the beach is filled with the fine sand. Even with the magnifying glass, it was difficult to clearly identify the shape of the sand. The black sand has a fine, gritty texture and through the magnifying glass they appear to be angular. I believe because this is attributed to the characteristic of the glasslike textures; however, the Basalt fragments appear to have more rounded shapes. Overall, I enjoyed my time at the beach. I saw things that I never noticed before, was able to identify most of what I was observing, and have a better awareness and appreciation of the forces of nature and the beauty of the sand which is something I usually just take for granted.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tura Cetha Stone free essay sample

Tear Cheetah Stone It was the early sasss, Alga lived in Ireland. Algas name meaner brave, the meaning however couldnt fit more perfectly. Alga adored Ireland. She lived on the north shoreline of Ireland. Her father and mother had died soon after her younger brothers birth. Akin, her Brother, had never seen his parents. Alga and Akin lived alone in a cottage. One day, someone found out that they were living there alone; they alerted the pinearity (the police). Before they were caught Alga and Akin fled to the countryside. They moved along slowly. They never were able to settle anywhere. When Alga was only 16 and Akin was barley 10, they had traveled to about every place in Ireland. The pinearity where always looking for Alga and Akin. Few people would shelter them. Finally, in 1727, when Alga was 17, the brother and sister had settled in a small town. We will write a custom essay sample on Tura Cetha Stone or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Alga began work as a seamstress. Working however didnt provide enough money for a great house. They lived in a one room shed with a dirt floor. After they had lived there for no more than a month, Akin was down by the rocky here when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. In a bottle was a note. The giants are coming, it read. Akin ran to his sister. When Alga read the message she told her brother to stay in the shed and to be safe. Alga ran to the town stable and got a horse. The danger she was about to face wasnt even comparable to anything she had ever done. She was going to fight the giants to save her beloved homeland. Alga found the giants and fought every single one. She got hurt and beaten. At many points she could see death. But in the end she won. She had saved her home room an untimely death. When she was a mile from the small town where her brother was, her foot hit something hard. She bent down and picked up a Tear Glossary Alga- Irish name meaning brave Tear Cheetah Stone- Rainbow stone Pinearity- Police Toughen ihram tar  ©is- Happily ever after Cheetah Stone. The Tear Cheetah Stone only presents itself to the bravest souls. Alga was a brave soul. The Tear Cheetah stone provides protection to who ever found it as payment for their act. Alga and her brother where protected for the rest of their lives. As they lived

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Become a Cyber-Investigator

How to Become a Cyber-Investigator Cybercrime is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the country, and the need for computer forensics is growing right along with it. Knowledgeable computer professionals who are interested in becoming cybercrime investigators and earning a computer forensics certification have several certification and training problems from which to choose. Some are available only to law enforcement officers, while some are suitable for computer professionals new to the cybercrime field. Computer Forensics Certification Programs FBI Cyber Investigator Certification: The FBI offers a CICP certification to law enforcement first responders. Designed to reduce errors by strengthening the investigative skills specific to cybercrime, this course  increases first responders technical knowledge. The 6 hour course is available online to all federal, state and local first responders.McAfee Institute Certified Cyber Intelligence Professional: The McAfee Institutes CCIP 50-hour online and self-study class covers how to identify persons of interest, conduct timely cyber investigations and prosecute cybercriminals. Classes cover cyber investigations, mobile and digital forensics, e-commerce fraud, hacking, intelligence gathering, and legal fundamentals. This certification was developed in conjunction with the Dept. of Homeland Securitys National Cyber-Security Workforce Framework. Prerequisites: Education requirements and experience in investigations, IT, fraud, law enforcement, forensics, and other topics are listed at the website. EnCE  Certified Examiner Program: The EnCase Certified Examiner Program offers certifications for cybersecurity professionals who want to advance in their specialized fields and who have mastered Guidance Softwares computer forensics software. The certification is recognized by law enforcement agencies and corporate professionals. Prerequisites: 64 hours of authorized computer forensic training (online or classroom) or 12 months work in computer forensics.GIAC Certified Forensics Analyst: The GCFA certification deals directly with incident  scenarios, computer security and forensic investigations of networks. This is useful not only for law enforcement but for corporate incident response teams as well. There are no prerequisites for the certification, but the candidate should have a strong working knowledge of the topic before taking the 3-hour proctored exam. Topics covered in the exam are listed on the website.Q/FE Qualified Forensics Expert: Not so much a traditional certifica tion as a Cyber Security Certificate of Mastery, this Qualified Forensics Expert training from Virginia-based Security University delivers an in-depth training class with an exam and certificate at the end. The materials included prepare participants to find the cause of attack, compile evidence and handle corporate repercussions. Prerequisite: Knowledge of TCPIP protocols. IACIS  CFCE: If you are an active law enforcement officer, the International Associate of Computer Investigative Specialists offers Certified Forensic Computer Examiner. Candidates must be familiar with the IACIS core competencies required for the course, which are listed on the website. The course is intense and takes place in two phases- the peer review phase and the certification phase- over a period of weeks or months.ISFCE  Certified Computer Examiner: Youll get a full dose of the technical side of data recovery and handling, but this certification stresses the importance of following sound evidence handling and storage procedures and following sound examination procedures. Self-study materials are available on the International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners website. The CCE is earned exclusively through online courses.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

'Finder' Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

'Finder' Case Study - Essay Example In the process of employee relation activities, mangers should behave in a reasonable and fair manner and also influence other management colleagues to behave in a similar manner. It is important for the managers to appreciate the principle of the procedure of employee relation is to establish a set standard of behaviour. However managers must also appreciate as to why such practice is important to protect and advance the management interest. Change and innovation in the employee relations policies as well as practices helps the firm o gain a competitive advantage over its competitors (Gennard &Judge, 2005, p.4). Therefore it has been said that the management needs to understand the employee relation. This management report deals with a case study of Finder and aims to analyse the current situation of the employees and recommend solutions. In addition to the report a reflective statement has also been provided. Analysis of the Situation Finder Industries was established in the year 1 930s and dealt with high precision engineering manufacturer. It had over the years grown on the basis of high quality and for its innovation in technology. It has been operating in 70 countries and employs about 20,000 people and manufactures patented medical equipments and technologies which are used in the hospitals across the globe. The company has managed to emerged from the global financial crises in a relatively health position. The demand for its products is strong and the new products which are manufactured by the company have been into the fore front of some of the non invasive medical procedure. The company also managed to reduce waste during the production process and improve the productivity eliminating the defects in support of total quality. But the UK site was ranked poor in some related areas and demanded targets for immediate improvement. Employee relation problem As per the case study Finder Industries faced one of the major problems in the area of absenteeism. The cost of absenteeism has been the highest in UK facility especially among the manufacturing operatives and research and development staffs. About 1500 staff was employed in the manufacturing operatives and 200 staff employed in the research and development. The rate of absenteeism was about 10% which was much higher than the industry average. The employees mainly availed the sick leave mainly the long term sick leave. Also short term sick leave was also high such as such as night shift workers being absent on Friday nights, or day operatives absent when scheduled to work on a Saturday. Many of the employees absent were not subject to sanction as they returned to work. As a result they continue to incur the annual leave. Reason behind a large percentage of absenteeism may be due to numerous factors. According to reports, about 40 million days are lost each annual year to workplace absenteeism. Nearly about 93% of the employees quote cold and flu as one of the cause for being absent b ut in reality half of the workers have actually nothing with respect to health. The absenteeism had an inverse impact in the overall UK industry. According to CBI 11.5bn in the year 2002 was paid out through wages to the absent workforce and temporary staff. But however it is important to manage absenteeism and it is actually quite simple to manage absenteeism among the employees (BBC News, 2004). Finder Industries has been reported to have the largest