Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Life After A Single Parent Home With Four Children

I was raised in a single parent home with four children. So college wasn’t an option after I graduated high school. I was the oldest. So I was essentially my sibling’s mother as well. This put a strain on my education in high school, as well as stopping me from going to college. I had actually always dreamed of becoming a doctor. But I knew I lacked the grades, and funds to do so. I ended up eventually moving out when I was 19, and moved close to a college. But still never went. I always obtained jobs waiting tables, because it was easy money. Because I was in the restaurant field for so long. They eventually offered me a management position. I felt so accomplished at the time. But I worked so many hours, and the pay just didn’t seem to compensate. I also just felt like there was more out there for me. I wasn’t sure yet how to reach those feeling, but they were definitely lingering. I eventually became pregnant with my son. Because my mother was never aro und when I was growing up. I knew once I had children, things would be completely different. I swore to that. While I was carrying my son. I decided to quit my job, and go back to school. I felt as though if I wanted him to be successful, smart, and dedicated. I had to do the same thing. I started part time at CCBC. I actually decided I was going into the nursing program there. As I was taking all my sciences, and math’s. Something still didn’t feel right to me. I was receiving good grades. But still felt unsure of theShow MoreRelatedCriminal Justice1465 Words   |  6 Pagesthe lack of family structure can be one of the biggest causes of delinquency. It touches on four objectives on how lack of family structure can be a cause to a child’s delinquency. One of the biggest causes of delinquency is the lack of stable family structure. For instance, a child could be hurt, if not receiving passionate love and care from their parents. 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