Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Negative effects of technology free essay sample

Teenagers lives revolve around technologically advanced items in the world. Technology is advancing every minute of every day. It is rare that a household does not contain at least one technologically advanced product. Throughout the last decade, technology has created things that people 30 years ago would have never even imagined. These items start from as little as headphones to cell phones to computers to even 3D TVs. Technology has a negative impact in teenagers lives. This will be proven by taking a look at how technology interferes with teenagers academics, how technology creates a social barrier and how technology makes eenagers lazy and get health problems. Technology interferes with teenagers academics. When teenagers play games or use other sources of technology, sometimes they get carried away and postpone their homework time or end up not finishing it. For example, when a teenager has to hand in an assignment the next day, he might intend to use Facebook for an hour but end up procrastinating for many hours and fail to complete the assignment. Technology not only causes children to be physically unhealthy but socially unhealthy as well. It causes social isolation and keeps children consumed in â€Å"what’s new† in the lives of their â€Å"friends† or people they may not even know. Children should get to know one another the natural way – conversing with one another and finding out likes and dislikes. This is how bonds are formed and friendships are made. Social media can also promote cyber bullying. It gives bullies who may not have had the courage to say mean and hurtful things in person a platform. More negative consequences of the overuse of social media are depression, poor sleeping habits, and poor academic performance. When teenagers should be studying or doing homework they find themselves on Facebook or Twitter tricking themselves into believing that they’ll only engage for a few minutes. Not only is it extremely hard to use social media for a moment but it causes adolescents to go to sleep later. It’s just an ugly pattern. Another part of this ugly pattern are cell phones or smart phones because they have become such an important part of life that we take them everywhere even in to the restroom. They have gone from being an emergency device to a personal hand held office and home theater. Parents are buying cell phones for their children younger and younger. Everyone wants to make sure there in the â€Å"in† crowd and not missing out on everything. With the new wave of smart phones that can do it all they are just another distraction. From downloading new apps and the latest games to using Facebook Mobile smartphones are enemy number one. What happened to puzzles and brainteasers? What happen to family game nights and spending time with your siblings? Now, even if there was family time being had the average adolescent would be consumed with texting rather than interacting with their family. The ugly pattern continues. From social media to video games technology has a very negative impact on youth. They lack the proper exercise needed to be healthy. They don’t form the necessary positive social bonds that are essential to growing. Children and adolescents are so consumed by social media that they lack sleep and do poorly in school as a result. Parents are so busy that they allow the television to raise their children instead of spending time reading a good book or playing a game with them. Technology is needed in moderation.

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